#BBNaija 2018 Day 75: Alex Plays Mediator For Tobi And Cee-C

Forum 6 years ago

#BBNaija 2018 Day 75: Alex Plays Mediator For Tobi And Cee-C

Like she had done for Miracle and Nina, in her capacity as Head of the #bbnaija House, Alex made it her responsibility to bring about a ceasefire between Cee-C and Tobi.

Last night while lying in bed with her buddy Tobi, Alex encouraged him to go talk to Cee-C to put their differences aside. Earlier Lolu had found it saddening that these two who had started the whole romantic game in the #bbnaija House, had so dramatically fallen apart and were at daggers drawn.

It was painful for all to see how Tobi and Cee-C who were once a power couple in the #bbnaija House, had come to give each other the silent treatment, to an extent where they indirectly slur each other when they were not talking over each other.

Yet no Housemate had failed to notice that Cee-C couldn’t help from glancing at Tobi, when she thought no one was watching.

Since Tobi seems to hold Alex’s friendship in high esteem, it was a no brainer for him to follow up on her advice and go find Cee-C. For over three hours and up until the wee hours of the morning, the two went over their respective arguments, alternatively blaming and taking responsibility for their past misdeeds and miscommunications.

Cee-C said it would take to watch the entire #BBNaija show again to identify their shortcomings. While Tobi said he felt like he wasn’t himself when they were together. Their long overdue talk ended up on a good note, even though they both seem to agree that a friendship outside the House was impossible.

As fate had it, Lolu peaked through the bathroom where they were holding their chat to encourage them to admit their respective wrongs as a way to move forward. Tobi seem to be the one to have most benefited from the open-heart conversation, for he had thanked Alex for her initiative and said he was feeling relieved.

Cee-C for her part didn’t say much, perhaps holding onto her glimpse of newfound happiness and just choosing not to show her emotions. Clearly, with just one Saturday left before the last, it looks like Tobi and Cee-C have no possibility nor desire to makeup and brew romance and it seems they can’t recover the time they have lost.

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