See The Pregnant Prostitute Who Vows To Keep On Working Till She Gives Birth. Photos

Forum 7 years ago

See The Pregnant Prostitute Who Vows To Keep On Working Till She Gives Birth. Photos

Determined to serve as an example of “liberated women,” a pregnant 30-year-old prostitute, Summer Sebastian, says she wants to support the right of women to choose on whether they should work while expecting.

Summer says she will continue taking clients until she gives birth. The Master’s student of forensic pathology says she works as a prostitute in an escort firm to support her studies.
She recently discovered that she was three-month pregnant by her 70-year-old boyfriend, though the two of them hadn’t planned to have children. But despite that, Summer says she will be working right up until she delivers. .

She said: “I want to make a statement that supports the right of a woman to choose… to work as a prostitute while pregnant. I’ve never been one to let myself be intimidated by what others thought!” .

She says she plans to keep people updated on how she juggles pregnancy and work and has even admitted that her new fuller figure has helped her career. She wrote: “I am lovin’ it even more now that I have all of these hormones pumping!

I know being with a pregnant girl sexually is a huge sex fetish for a lot of people, and I sure hope to accommodate you over the next six months! Adding this creative component to my parties with my clients has just made sex that much more exciting, and interesting! .

I’ve had no issues at all! I can have sex in almost any position I want — just as long as I am comfortable. I may have to experiment a little though as I go along and grow, and maybe even get creative if need be!” .

Summer says she has done her research into still working as a prostitute while pregnant, and believes her baby will be perfectly safe.

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