Highlights from Big Brother naija Day 48: ONE presentations, Saturday Night Party and the aftermath

Forum 7 years ago

Highlights from Big Brother naija Day 48: ONE presentations, Saturday Night Party and the aftermath

The Housemates had quite a busy day, polishing up their ONE AFRICA presentations, decorating the Party Room and further presented in front of a panel of judges and it was only fitting that they ‘let their hair down’ and danced the night away.

ONE presentations
The Housemates stood up and bowed gracefully in front of the judges, theatrical style.

This marked the end of their ONE AFRICA presentations, which they had been working on since yesterday afternoon.

It was just after the judges had given them their individual feedback that they all stood up and bowed in unison. It was like watching the end of an excellent theatrical performance.

Although some of them had been a little nervous since yesterday, the judges Serah Makka, Nachilala Nkombo and Kunle Ayo generally felt they had all done exceptionally well.

Some of the feedback they gave to the Housemates included adding a little more creativity, the proper use of statistics, as well as giving clear and practical recommendations.

The Housemates were judged based on the following:

Their overall presentation
Their campaign names
Their use of statistics
Their recommendation to policy makers
Their call to action

First up was Bassey, and while he, Marvis, Efe, Bisola, Debie-Rise and ThinTallTony used the approach of first outlining the topic then getting down to explanations, Bally and TBoss used a different approach. They used stories to paint the picture, something which the judges felt was captivating.

There judges then gave the Housemates a bit of advice for future presentations, noting the need for creativity and practicality, in terms of recommendations and call to action, for most of the Housemates.

The presentations are done and dusted. Now, the wait begins. The Housemates will be informed which one of them is the winner in due course.

DJ Neptune and Saturday Night Party
“Oh my God, it’s DJ Neptune!”

This was one of the first reactions from the Housemates, as celebrity deejay, DJ Neptune blasted his first track in the Party Room while they were still waiting in the lounge to be ushered in.

For a moment there while waiting, they seemed impatient, as the deejay dropped a few hits. A few group pictures were taken and for what seemed like ages, they settled down on the couch waiting for the Party Room door to open. Bisola was even heard saying, “Biggie we’re ready now.”

Bassey and Bisola’s reaction as they entered the Party Room first was priceless!

The other Housemates trailed behind them, greeting the deejay as they entered, headed straight to the fridge for drinks and hitting the dancefloor thereafter.

The deejay’s selection of music appealed to the Housemates, as they sang along while getting down. There were moments of screaming, as the deejay played popular music, the likes of Davido’s song titled “Dami Duro” and not even their men’s suits or the ladies’ skimpy dresses could stop them from getting down to the beat.

As soon as DJ Neptune stopped playing music, the Housemates shouted, "Biggie, ten more minutes!" clearly indicating they had a blast. He could not help but smile, as the Housemates continued chanting they wanted him to continue playing music. However, this had marked the end of the party and they were soon ushered back into the House by Biggie's Ninjas.

The Aftermath
After spending all week nagging TTT it looks like Bisola finally found comfort in someone else's arms.

From the get go it seemed like it was all about TTT and Bisola but things have been decidely friendly between the two of them ever since they got busy under the covers and set tongues wagging everywhere! There's still lots of play fighting but none of the passionate makeout sessions of old.

So what's gone amiss? Well, it's pretty clear from Bisola's campaign for likes earlier this week that she's still into TTT. She called him handsome and dashing like the "lion on his T-shirt", all the while following him around. He, on the other hand, seemed to keep moving from one room to the next ignoring her. Could it be that TTT has lost interest or is he just trying to keep his head in the game?

In addition to this, Bisola's the one who pushed TTT and TBoss' torward each other at first but now it seems she feels a bit slighted by TTT's interest in TBoss. She even joked out loud last night that he wanted TBoss' "box" and not hers after TBoss pointed out that "Tony" wouldn't like what she was doing with Bally. This was all said moments before she started making out with Bally in the bedroom.

In his defence Bally had literally pleaded with Bisola earlier in the evening to stop teasing him because it had been "seven weeks" and the things he'd once confessed he wanted to do to her were "all true". She kept caressing his chest and kissing his neck anyway and in the end he succumbed. The two of them slipped under the covers kissing and m0an!ng but Bisola left the bed after a few minutes perhaps rethinking her decision to go all the way.

Meanwhile, Efe and Marvis seemed to have a reconnected as a result of being this week's wedding couple. They shared an intimate, slow dance before lights out. Efe then slipped into bed and asked for a goodnight smooch. Marvis gave him a little peck at first before giving in and locking lips with her "husband" in a long french kiss.

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