Prophet Owuor Resurrects Woman In Pokot County

Forum 6 years ago

Prophet Owuor Resurrects Woman In Pokot County

Prophet Owuor Resurrects Woman – Controversial and self-proclaimed prophet Prophet David Owuor has reportedly brought a woman back from the dead.

According to reports, the miracle took place in Cheparten village, South Pokot sub-county. The news quickly spread like wildfire as hundreds of Kenyans made their way to the village to witness the miracle.

Even nearby schools closed early as learners and teachers alike rushed to the family’s home.

The resurrected woman identified as Mama Rosa Rotirakori reportedly died on Thursday night following a brief illness which started on Wednesday.

However, her family claimed that she came back to life at about 2 hours later, but not without intervention from Prophet Owuor.

Her husband Samson Rotirakori recounted the story to local news reporters who attended a thanksgiving service held by the family in appreciation to God for the miracle.
According to Mr Samson’s statement, Mama Rosa died few minutes from midnight and remained dead for at least 2 hours.

He said that when he noticed she was getting worse, he put a call to the prophet who made a short prayer. However, Mr Samson said his wife’s health seemed to get worse after the prayer.

He told journalists;

“My wife fell very sick on Wednesday. She became very weak and collapsed. By midnight, her situation had worsened and she was unable to walk and experienced a lot of difficulty in breathing. I called a senior pastor asking him to request a prayer from Prophet Owuor and immediately after the phone call Rosa stopped breathing and stretched out her hands and legs.”

Mr Samson continued;

“My wife urinated before her last breath. I then covered her with a blanket. My daughter Levine Chesang was beside her. Her body was cold and stiff and her heart had stopped beating.”


Mama Rosa’s daughter Levine Chesang said that after her mother died, she ran out of the house wailing to alert the neighbours of the misfortune that had just befallen them.
However, few minutes after her death, Samson received an SMS from Prophet David Owuor “It Is Well.”

Mr Samson said that about 2 hours after receiving that message, his wife whom he had covered up, sneezed and came back to life.

After jerking back to life, Mama Rosa kept asking her family; “who has brought me back?”

At the thanksgiving service, a smiling Rosa said she believed that she had died and come back to life.

“I was to be buried today but I thank my prophet for bringing me back to life. I did not speak Kiswahili but after resurrecting, I can now address the media in Kiswahili,” Rosa told the media.


She also called on Kenyans to repent and turn away from evil deeds.

Most people who attended the thanksgiving service are members of Prophet Owuor’s Ministry of Repentance and Holiness church. However, the prophet was not in attendance. He was represented by a number of bishops from the Church.

Many also believed in the miracle, among them being Dr Zachary Kasepoi, a Senior Deputy Director of Medical services in Kenya who also attends the church.

“There is no a machine in the world that can jump-start the lungs. This is a mighty miracle. I was born and educated here but this is a miracle and it should be believed,” the Dr said.

Prophet Owuor is known for his jam-packed crusades and miracles and this only adds to the list.

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