Tension As Notorious Bandit Leader Weds Underage Christian Bride In Niger

Forum 10 months ago

Tension As Notorious Bandit Leader Weds Underage Christian Bride In Niger

A notorious bandit terrorist leader, Alhaji Dogo Jede has married a 16-year-old Christian Gbagy girl in Aglunma village, in Kwusasu District of Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State.


Daily Sun reported that the wedding took place on Tuesday. Before the wedding, the bandits had strategically taken over critical locations within the village.


It was gathered that Dogo Jede had instructed the people of the area not to flee their homes, as their safety was guaranteed, adding that they were not after the villagers.


He was said to have slaughtered a cow and shared the meat with the people to celebrate his wedding on Tuesday.


Alhaji Dogo Jede has remained in firm control of some communities within the Shiroro local government, which include Kwusasu, Chukuba, Nasa, Wurukuchi, and parts of Iburo.


He attends the Kwusasu market and prays every Friday at the central mosque under heavy security provided by his gang.


According to Daily Sun, a source revealed that the villagers know everything about the bandits’ leader and his gang, including their hideout in the bush, but are afraid to disclose such for fear of being killed.


“As I speak with you, Dogo Jede, his family members, and his gang are on the payroll of the communities that I mentioned earlier. They enjoy free food, and there is an amount the people contribute for him, in order to allow them to farm. The people have no choice because nobody can help them, and they have nowhere to run to.


“They must live in the communities to do their farm business, which is their only means of survival. Initially, when they relocated from the communities, life became completely unbearable for them, so they had to come back and embrace peace with the bandits’ leader and agreed with his terms,” the source disclosed.

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