Fuel scarcity, naira redesign, ploy to sabotage my chances — Tinubu

Forum 1 year ago

Fuel scarcity, naira redesign, ploy to sabotage my chances — Tinubu

The presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Ahmed Tinubu, on Wednesday, alleged that the current fuel scarcity and naira redesign were parts of the plan by some powers-that-be to sabotage the 2023 general election.

Tinubu spoke during the APC presidential campaign at the MKO Abiola International Stadium, Kuto, Abeokuta.

Tinubu declared that the fuel crisis and the scarcity of the newly redesigned Naira notes were artificially created to discourage Nigerians from voting for the APC.

The APC presidential candidate called on the people to remain resolute and resist any attempt by anyone to stop the election from holding.

Tinubu promised that his administration would also introduce a student loan programme that would ensure that no Nigerian student is unable to complete his or her education because of school fees.

“There will be a student loan, nobody will drop out of university because of school fees, I guarantee you that.

“Nobody will have to repeat one class for eight years and not graduate.

“We are too smart, we are brilliant, we are courageous, we will make a four-year course be a four-year course,” he said.

While saying that the forthcoming general election is a revolution that would reshape the country, he noted that his administration would do all it can to ensure that the price of fuel is bearable for all Nigerians.

He alleged that the fuel scarcity was artificially created to sabotage his presidential ambition

He also alleged that there were thick plots against him and clandestine moves to scuttle the 2023 election, stressing that nothing would stop him from emerging victorious on February 25.

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