The Game gives motivational advice to fan who reached out to him about having suicidal thoughts

Forum 8 years ago

The Game gives motivational advice to fan who reached out to him about having suicidal thoughts

Rapper, The Game wrote about a fan who reached out to him when she was feeling suicidal. The fan sent him a Direct Message on Instagram with the question: 'When having thoughts of suicide what do you suggest? Any motivational words? He replied: "If you kill yourself your dumb"...Read the rest of his advice after the cut..

"sU-Ck it up & get what you need done..DONE!!! He continued with the advice on the left side of the photo above and then continued:

"I get a lot of DM's & though I try my hardest to take time to read & reply to them all, some get left un-read due to the fact that I have a busy life as well as most of you with children, work, school etc...... But there are DM's like this one that may sometimes go un-noticed for those reasons but I am glad I caught this one today...... Because there's such a thin line between LIFE & DEATH & sometimes all it takes is a few words to re-direct someone's energy back into a place of LOVE, SELF-WORTH & POSITIVITY....... I did not at her because people can be cruel & sometimes take other people's hardships lightly.... But I did want to post this so that others out there will know, that I am here for motivation or inspiration & I check as many of my Direct Messages as possible....... To the beautiful but torn soul who DM'd me above, sorry about the tough love..... But we have to be STRONGER internally so that in tough times... Our strength & love for ourselves shines through !!!! I am with you, I love you & I hope I was able to pull you back up off of that ledge........ Now, LIVE !!!!!!!!

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