Impeach Governors Who Allowed Congregational Eid Prayers – MURIC

Forum 4 years ago

Impeach Governors Who Allowed Congregational Eid Prayers – MURIC

Ishaq Akintola, director of Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), says those governors who allowed congregational Eid prayers should be impeached.

Many States in the country obviously flouted the directives of the presidential task force (PTF) on COVID-19 on physical distancing and compulsory use of face masks in public places — during the eid celebration on Sunday.

In a statement, the MURIC director said such governors also went against the directives of the Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI) and the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA).

He asked lawmakers of the states to “do the needful as the governors committed impeachable offences”.

“It is a shame that governors can play to the gallery even when it has to do with human life. This is not Islam. It is articulated religiousity,” Akintola said.

“There must be consequences when people in positions of authority gamble with the lives of their citizens. This singular action has put the whole country in danger and we only have to wait for the next two weeks as the virus incubates for us to know the impact of the governors’ intransigence.

“This is how not to worship Allah. Neither is it about the right to celebrate a festival. MURIC as a human rights body will not defend the indefensible. Islam is a religion of justice. Therefore we will not bend the rules or change the goal post after the game has already started just because Muslim governors are involved this time around.

“The fact that we vowed to promote Allah-given fundamental human rights of Muslims does not mean that we would look away when Muslims do the wrong thing. Afterall we were all here when Christians marked Easter without fanfare, pomp and pageantry. So why can’t we as Muslims control ourselves?

“We have not seen the end of this incident if we have conscious lawmakers in the state assemblies. Any lawmaker worth his salt will know that the action of the erring governors stand in contra-distinction to the provisions of Article 14 Section 2(b) of the1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which stipulates that the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government.

“In essence, the governors have committed impeachable offences. We therefore call on the state legislators to do the needful. We do not want governors who do not care about human life. The choice before the governors is this: apologise publicly or resign and pack out of government house, otherwise your impeachment is just around the corner.”

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