10 Compulsory Plugins For New WordPress Blogs

Forum 9 years ago

10 Compulsory Plugins For New WordPress Blogs

One of the greatest benefit a wordpress blog user enjoys is the ability to use plugins. You can use plugins to automate so many manual works in your wordpress blog. Below are 10 wordpress plugins to improve the performance of your new blog and give your blog visitors more than what they expect.

1. Akismet

The akismet plugin is a must have if you wish to fight spam comments in your new wordpress blog. It has already been downloaded for you, waiting to be installed in your wordpress plugins page. This plugin automatically detects comment and trackback spam in your blog.

You can also download the akismet plugin through wordpress plugin directory and follow the instructions given to install it. Once installed successfully, all incoming comments, pingbacks and trackbacks will first be directed to akismet web for screening.

2. Comment luv

This commenting plugin allows readers to easily leave comments after reading your blog post. It provides a name, email, URL and text field. Comment luv has a free and premium version, the premium version supports extra features such as Reply me and Twitter link. This plugin can be found by doing a quick search with the keyword “comment luv” in your add-new plugins page.

3. Wp mobile detector

Create a mobile friendly blog using wp mobile detector. This plugin automatically detects the mobile or Smartphone which a visitor is using to access your blog in order to load a well-suited mobile theme for it.

Once you install this plugin from your wordpress plugins page, every other thing will be configured automatically by the wp mobile detector installer. Wp mobile detector is also available in premium, the paid version allows you customize your mobile theme, upload a logo, insert mobile ads and lots more cool features.

4. Contact Form 7

Contact forms makes it easy for bloggers to communicate with their readers. There are lots of plugins for this, one of the best and most downloaded is contact form 7 (with over 12,377,300 downloads). The contact form 7 plugin can control multiple contact forms, it also supports CAPTCHA, AJAX and AKISMET.

5. All in one SEO pack

Optimize and make your wordpress blog to be search engine friendly by using all in one SEO pack. This plugin automatically generates meta tags for your blog, optimize your blog titles for search engines, allows you override any title and lots more. Download & install through your wordpress plugins page.

6. Google XML Sitemaps

Make it easy for search engines to better index your blog by creating a sitemap using Google XML sitemaps. This plugin makes the whole sitemap creation process simple, all you need to do is to install and activate this plugin and it will generate an XML sitemap for your blog.

7. Social Sharing Toolkit

Display social sharing and follow buttons in your post, pages and sidebar with ease. Social sharing toolkit provides lots of options, you can decide where the social buttons appears, chose the button size & direction (horizontal or vertical), display using shortcode, display using widgets and so on.

8. Nrelate Related Content

This is the best plugin to display related posts in your blog. With nrelate Related Content you can display related posts with their thumbnails anywhere in your blog (scroll down to the end of this post to see what it looks like).

9. Wp Smush.it

What this plugin does is to decrease the sizes of images you upload to your blog. install and activate wp smush.it and all your existing and newly uploaded images will be compressed, making your blog load more faster.

10. Adrotate

The adrotate plugin helps you add and manage ads in your wordpress blog. You can manage, add new ads and edit from the dashboard. Adrotate is also available as a premium plugin with lots of new features.

You can install and activate all these plugins by searching their names in your wordpress add-new plugins page, they are also available at wordpress plugins directory (www.wordpress.org/plugins). Use them to bring the best out of your new wordpress blog.

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