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10 Things Upcoming Artiste Must Know

Forum 8 years ago

10 Things Upcoming Artiste Must Know

Today, i will be explaining ten things upcoming artistes needs to know, this may also be applicable for bigger artistes, but as this case stands is solely for upcoming artiste who want to take up music as a career, but before then, i will want to advice personally, if you know you cant follow a beat, kindly stop deceiving yourself to be a musician, instead i will call you a comedian just like Vic O

1. Your Name as A Brand

Picking a Name is very easy, But Branding a Name is Very necessary, an Inconsistent name can ruin your Career as a Musician, that's Why You must Pick a Unique Name (don't copy other big artistes) and always stand by the name. Do everything Possible to let your name lead, Printing of T-shits for the Name, in your Books, Sharing Your phone contacts with friends, even friends are ordered to call you by your artiste name, for me as the case is now mom sometimes call me Waploaded. That is to say, if your name is in everyone's lip, you will see reasons for improvement, lastly don't be shy about your name, its your stage name and it should rule your passion for music.

2. Social Profiles

Many artiste devalue Social Profiles, its not bad as an Upcoming artiste to start building his or her social profiles now, because that's the only thing endorsements look before signing you, as they feel the higher followers you have, the higher you could spread their products across the Globe. Making your social profiles unique is still important as it will aid you to easily remember them and never mistake one for the other, examples of top social profiles to have as an artiste are: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, BBM, Whatsapp and Maybe Skype (we recommend You to get as many as possible)

3. Packaging
Packaging can be best felt from your social profiles activities, the kind of photo you upload, the way you comment on issues, you must never forget that you are fast becoming a celebrity, your home life should have a margin between your online social life, you dare not make silly post of hunger or starvation, total arrogance and very irrelevant showoffs, well your packaging must not also intimidate others that you have it all.

4. Knowledge

You must have all knowledge about trending streams of activities, ranging from fellow celebrities stunts, quarrel, beefs, name of so many artistes, your must listen almost every new musics whether foreign or local, you must have knowledge of producers name, top artistes name, so many list of Djs, Websites and TV channels, Your knowledge through the circles of music should cover even entertainment as a whole whether comedy of Movies also because interviews may concern your vast knowledge.

And You must write like a literate, review your post over and over before you submit, with high clarity, brevity and politeness

5. Uploading

What you upload is what you are, as explained on packaging above, always upload the best of your shots, your new and best designs, upload and share birthday of fellow artistes and tag them, this boils from you always being online on instagram and twitter to know top artistes birthdays and tag them in your wishes, one day you will be lucky enough to be tagged.

6. Contests

As an upcoming artiste the best way to hit limelight is to partake in any contest, be it short video or lines of bars contest, this will help you improve on your style and also make you meet people, you must try as much as possible to make the best of impact on any contest you stumble upon, also in contests never see yourself as an up and coming artiste else you may start giving chances to doubt yourself.

7. Consistency & Passion

The issue of not being Consistent has killed over 90% of upcoming artistes, imagine your fanbase was 20 when you released your first song online, instead of droping a new jam in few weeks or months, you instead relax for years before you drop another one, definitely you might not only loss those fans, but can never regain them and that shows the passion is not in you.

if you have got the passion for singing, you will see yourself doing good musics.

8. Humility

As an upcoming artiste you need to be humble, i mean very humble even to fellow upcoming artistes, as humility may earn you less spending in things that would have cost much, upon building humility you can also build trust among your fans, with this they could buy your song for any amount, not that you sing a dope jam today and tomorrow a wack jam, who will know what kind of jam comes up next?

9. Funding & Lavishing & Photo

You need funds (Sponsor as the case maybe), for you to be online you need subscriptions, you need money to create Dope Music Artworks, if not your song will get a low download count because nowadays as an upcoming artiste average of internet users dont know your name, so your music artwork tells what the song will be, "Never Submit a Song with your raw Picture", Waploaded Grafix can get a Photo art for you.

In the case of Lavishing, you must know what you Need and that's what you should get, rushing to get expensive cars or chase after girls, too much clubings wont help your music life, you should pay more attention to your education and your music.

10. Contacts & Connections

This is very vital, its starts from having contacts with so many Djs, Fellow artistes, Music Promoters and high personel that would link you to higher people on social networks, your relationship with this people must be mutual, as in, you would not seem to them as a parasite, you must have something to offer whether now on in future, if not service charge might empty your pockets.

you must also prove humility, consistency and good relationship when you contact them.


Try as Much as Possible to meet People, Don't let your location weigh you down, attend shows, take selfies with bigger artistes, have friends and don't be tied down to a spot, as you try to work with so many producers.

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