Ondo APC primary: I know my supporters are in pain – Tinubu’s candidate, Abraham

Forum 7 years ago

Ondo APC primary: I know my supporters are in pain – Tinubu’s candidate, Abraham

The preferred candidate of Bola Tinubu, a national leader of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Olusegun Abraham, an aspirant for the party’s ticket for the Ondo governorship election, has stated that he is not unaware of the pains being felt by his supporters.
Abraham lost the APC ticket to a former president of the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, Rotimi Akeredolu.

The aspirant commended the election committee chaired by the Jigawa state governor, Mohammed Abubakar, over the smooth conduct of the exercise, promising not to turn his back on the party, even as he congratulated Akeredolu for emerging victorious at the primaries.

He said in a statement, “I congratulate Rotimi Akeredolu who emerged with 669 votes at the primary election of our great party, the APC, in Ondo state.

“My special regards and admiration for Alhaji Baderu Abubakar, the Governor of Jigawa state, and his team for their sterling quality and integrity in conducting the APC governorship primary in Ondo state.

“I also thank my teeming supporters for showing maximum solidarity throughout the campaign till now. I am not unaware of the pain you feel right now; with so much fervor, you all took our message of industrializing Ondo state to every nook and cranny. Thank you.

“I pray that our God will bring the much-needed prosperity we seek to Ondo state in earnest.

“I will not turn my back on my loving people of Ondo. I will continue to contribute my quota to the development of our state in any way God directs.

“The APC is a party that is consistently determined to bring prosperity and good governance to the people of Nigeria, and I will ever remain loyal to our party, together with its ideals and principles.”

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